"Life is a comedy for those who think... and a tragedy for those who feel."
- Horace Walpole

"Work hard. Tell everyone everything you know. Close a deal with a handshake. Have fun!"
-Harold Edgerton

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Why I haven't been posting, and more!

     So if any you have ready any of my blogs, you would notice that I haven't posted in a while! Now, it seems odd to start a blog, get a few posts going, and even get a few followers only to drop the effort completely, right? Right. Point being, I've been extremely busy lately and this blog hasn't necessarily been the number one priority in my life at the moment. After I finish this blog I'm actually going to draw! (another commodity I barely have time for)
If you're wondering why I have been so busy, please, take a gander at the little title above this entity we call a paragraph....

     That's right, school is why I've been busy.  School has its pros and cons... homework being the main con, but I like learning (I'm kind of a nerd) so that's definitely a pro for education. In the previous years of my student life I've always been confident that I'm going to take the hardest, most rigorous courses available and that I would just decide what I wanted to major in college when the time came. However, it's my junior year at the moment and my classes have really upped the anti on their complexity and workload. It's just made me think, is it really worth going through all the trouble and stress (another big con) just so I can achieve the approval of my parents? Also, my friendships have grown much, much stronger as well as my faith, but I'll talk about that later. I'm just considering my priorities in life... my parents want me to be rich, but if I'm not happy does that matter? My mom doesn't seem to care about what I want and just wants me to get money whereas my dad says he wants me to be happy but that the only way I will achieve that is by having sex and money. As for what I think, I don't really care about money THAT much, just as long as I can support myself and maybe a family in the future, as long as I'm happy, enjoying my work.

Ugh... there's so much I want to talk about, but so little time!

      Anyways, moving along to friends. I've always been curious as to how I could approach my friends in order to bond in a way, to get to know each other on a personal level. First off, people always tend to shy away from touchy topics such as politics, sexuality, and religion. My thought process was this, if they shy away from the topic because they're afraid of what others might think, wouldn't a good friend support them no matter what they think? Or even if not to support, to guide into the idealistic direction? (I don't use the word "correct" because that's fairly relative to the individual's worldview) As I started approaching, or attempted to approach, these barricades people set up within their friendships I noticed two reactions. One: They opened up and you have some sort of bonding moment after which you come out trusting each other more with a better friendship than you had before. Or two: the friend you're speaking to doesn't really hold the subject as being serious and moves on to something else either due to disinterest or has some sort of fear/embarrassment of talking about it. Not saying that there's not potential of you becoming closer to said friend, but those are just the reactions I've observed. Moving on, having the support of friends that actually accept me for who I am make me happy! Big surprise there right? I've always been kind of a lone-wolf, but this new-found support gives me a whole other idea of things to do with my life. However yet again, I have not the time to expand upon that point in this post.

     Religion will have to be in another post, I've already spent a rather large amount of time writing this... I promise you, it's going to be interesting! Sorry for the extremely long post. It's pretty much a summarized update of what's been going on in the past month.


  1. I've never commented before...this isn't awkward is it? XD
    Anyway I totally sympathize with the whole "is it really worth it?" concept. Seems like I ask myself that more and more. And am IIIIII one of those friends? haha, loljk
    Also..."lone-wolf" made me lol a bit....double-meanings and all that :P

  2. Don't feel bad about the writing pause. It happens to us all from time to time.

    I agree with you big time, by the way. I can't stand to have superficial relationships. I crave having at least a handful of people with whom I can talk about literally anything.

    Also, in passing, I would say that it's okay (and correct) to talk about whether someone is headed in the correct direction. We can try to be polite and say that worldviews are all relative, but I don't think you can pull a trigger, kill a person, and tell the judge that, according to your worldview, it isn't murder. Some things aren't relative. And besides, if there is no true North, we will all be lost at sea. Just something to think about.

    By the way, I'm looking forward to your next post--WHENEVER you have time to write it. No rush. No worries.
